The Offinso Municipal Assembly held a staff Durbar to introduce the new MCD, Mr MAJEED Ayariga and more importantly create a platform for the staff to air their grievances they face in their line of work.
The MCD commented that the program was designed to promote dialogue, participation and also to foster unity amongst the staff to help in the development of the Offinso Municipality.

MCD emphasized that the staff demonstrate Respect, loyalty and collaboration towards the MCE and also asked of the MCE to also reciprocate the act towards the staff.

MCE welcomed all and encourage discretion amongst the staff. He asked that not everything that happens at the assembly should be communicated to the public but rather paint the activities of the assembly positive to the public.

Thé MCE encouraged time discipline amongst staff.
MCE commented against the malpractices that Offinso is known for. He remarked that there will be actions taken against culprits and asked that his staff support this intention to make Offinso peaceful and habitable.